3 ways to get paypal amount from Bangladesh

Many freelancer of Bangladesh work some website which is not support any payment method without paypal. But paypal is not support in Bangladesh. So if they want to cash their online income, they face some problem. Here is 3 ways to make your paypal amount in cash even for unverified paypal amount.

Way 1.

The most famous and easy way to cash your paypal amount is www.paypalbd.com. By this way you can get your paypal payment most easily. Just get your account only for BDT 200 to BDT 500 for per year. And get your paypal amount in cash. They can charge only 5% to 10% according to your amount.

Way 2.

Second way is cash your payment of paypal via your mobile phone. Just transfer your balance paypal to flexi-load.com or remit2cell.com. They will send your amount as your mobile balance.

Way 3.

This way is for big amount earner. You can get a payoneer debit master card and get your money in cash via a ATM booth from Bangladesh. Though their fee is so high so that never try it for a small amout.

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Buy a domain name with a unverified paypal account

Some country like as Bangladesh is not support the service of paypal. So that the internet merchant of these countries an not receive their money by paypal. But some online earning site pay their site earning only by paypal. So that the freelancer of these countries try to get this money by online buying like as buy a domain name. But all of the domain name registration sites is not support the payment via a unverified paypal account. Here I give you some domain name registration site URL by which you can register your domain by your unverified paypal account balance.

1. http://www.namecheap.com/

2. http://domainsite.com/

3. http://www.fatcow.com/

4. http://expressdomain.cn/

5. http://www.dynadot.com/

6. http://www.polurnet.com/

7. http://plusregister.com/

8. http://internetbs.net/

9. http://myzoz.com/

10. http://rackspider.com/

What to know before buy a domain name

Today we see that the freelancer of the world increase day by day. Some freelance try to earn money by some marketing sites like as selling ads to their sites or blogs. So that the demand of buying domain is increasing day by day. But the amount of such earning depends on the visitor of that sites. Because the sales of ads depends on the quantity of visitor of a sites. If we try to follow some thing before buying a domain, we will get a extra visitor in our site.

1. Buy only .com domain. Because many of the people think that the premium domain mean only .com domain.

2. Never try to add a extensions after .com like as .com.bd or .com.in etc. It will decrease the publishing easyness of your site URL.

3. Try to chose a easy name to say each other.

4. The domain name must be focus the content of your sites includes with.

If you can follow this, you can ensure some visitor in your website. Please leave a comment here to give your feedback about this post.