Simple to use
Manage all your banners from a simple interface. Just place a little HTML on your Web site and AdJungle does all the work for you. No more site editing - you can use our Web interface to update your default banner rotation anytime. You can spend your time on what is really important: your content, your site, and your community.
Make more money
AdJungle can help you make money through advertising to your site visitors. You can use AdSense, affiliate banners, and even other ad network banners as defaults and then set your fee above what you are earning. Advertisers can easily place their banners directly into your site.
You have control
You decide on what pages you want to place ads, and which advertising campaigns you want to accept. Use our simple Web interface that make it quick and easy to manage advertising on your site while maintaining complete control.
Get Paid
AdJungle pays you monthly by Check or PayPal any time you have more than $20 in earnings. Payments go out by the 25th of the month and you are paid for the previous month's earnings. That means you can earn within a month of adding our code to your site, not the typical three months with other programs.
Publisher FAQ:
Q: How much will I get paid?
A: All AdJungle Zones are created on a CPM or Sponsorship (Cost Per Day) basis. You set the rate for each Zone you control. There is an AdJungle fee of 40% on all earnings made by Publishers, so you will earn 60% of all Direct Buys made on your site plus your share of Default Ad earnings.
Q: When do I get paid?
A: Payments are made by the 25th of the month to those accounts that have accumulated at least $20 in earnings in the prior month. Unpaid balances are rolled-over to the next month.
Q: Does AdJungle pay by PayPal?
A: Yes. When you sign up you can choose to be paid by a check in US funds through the mail, or by PayPal.
Q: Why should I use AdJungle?
A: Excellent rates (since you control them), timely pay-outs, simple management of your own default ads, no minimum display requirements, and the ability to choose which campaigns appear on your site.
Q: How do I maximize my earnings?
A: Since AdJungle lets you manage your existing ads, you can upload AdSense code, Affiliate Banners, or any other ad network code as a default ad. You can then show your own default ads when there are no Direct Buys for your site. If your own ads pay better than our AdJungle Defaults, then show yours.
Q: Why would I want to use AdJungle to show my own defaults?
A: To make your life easier. You will no longer have to edit every page on your site just to update tags or try out a new ad.If the code changes or you want to show a different ad, upload the code to our site and make the ad a default. The ad will start showing immediately if you choose. Because we give you eight slots to show your own defaults, you can do quick A/B tests to see which ads pay the best and show more of those that will make you more money.
Q: What is the minimum traffic level to use AdJungle?
A: We have no minimum.
Q: What sales models do you support?
A: AdJungle lets you choose to charge per impression (CPM) or by the day (Fixed Price, or Sponsorship). CPM is really the cost per thousand impressions, as the numbers sound a lot better than when you price them per individual page view.
Q: Who should choose the Fixed Price model?
A: Sites with less than a few thousand page views per day are best suited for this sales model. You will be able to earn a fixed amount per day from your site, and the advertisers will know how much their campaign will cost on your site.
Q: Who should choose the CPM model?
A: Sites that can show the Zone code thousands of times per day can use the CPM model. We require at least 1,000 displays per day to use the CPM model. This makes sense if you do the math. Since the minimim fee is $1 CPM, a site with only 1,000 displays per day can onlly earn $1 per day, maximum.
Q: How much should I charge?
A: This may be one of the hardest questions to answer, as it depends on the traffic your site gets, and the audience you have. You can charge more for a desireable site demographic (imagine if your only site visitors were the CEOs of the Fortune 500), but you have to know that information and tell the advertisers. In general, you will want to make sure that you earn enough to make it worthwhile to show advertising. It really does not make sense to sell advertising for less than $5 a day, so make sure that you set your rates to allow you to earn at least $5 a day.
Q: What are the AdJungle membership restrictions?
A: AdJungle membership is open to all publishers that do not handle illegal or inappropriate content. We do not set any minimum display requirements, but your income potential will be limited only by your allocation of page views. For details about our policies, see the AdJungle Terms of Service.
Q: Are there CPM Limits?
A: We don't let you charge less than $1 CPM. Anything less than that and it will be very hard for you to make any money at all. We also limit you to $25 CPM on the high end of the scale. If you need a rate that does not fit our limits, please contact us with your reasons and we will consider your request.
Q: Are there Fixed PriceLimits?
A: We don't let you charge less than $5 per day. Anything less than that and it will be very hard for you to make any money at all. We also limit you to $250 on the high end of the scale. Very few sites can support this high of a rate unless they have tens of thousand of displays per day.
Q: How often are reports updated?
A: Zone reports are updated once per day.
Q: How does AdJungle target ads to my website?
A: We enable advertisers to place ads on your site directly. You need to make sure that your potential advertisers know about this and link to your Ad Card. When there are no direct placed ads for your site, AdJungle will place default ads into your Zone. You set up keywords for your Zone, and we also place ads into your Zone based on DMOZ categorization.
Q: How can I be sure that all the ads AdJungle will run on my site are appropriate?
A: You have complete control over the ads that appear. You also control the content of the Default ads when you set up your Zone.
Q: Can I have more than one AdJungle advertisement per page?
A: You may place any Zone once per page. But you may use more than one Zone on a page if you want to. We recommend no more than three placements, as your advertisers will not want too many other ads, and your users will not want to see so many ads. You may want to use a few different form factors as part of your layout. Do not place the same Zone into a page more than once!
Q: Why do I keep seeing Default Ads?
A: We serve Default ads for the first week until we have a good estimate of your site traffic. If you see default ads after that, it means that your site is not 100% sold. You can review the schedule for your Zone through the Zone Manager to see what campaigns are being shown.
Q: I am seeing a high amount of Default Ads, why is that?
A: Advertisers are not buying ads. Perhaps your CPM rate is too high, or you have not done enough to let potential advertisers know that they can advertise on your site affordably. Tell them why they should advertise, and give them real benefits. Use testimonials if you have any. Get some if you don't.
Q: Why do my web site statistics not match AdJungle's reports?
A: There are always discrepancies when comparing server statistics, particularly when it comes to advertising. Factors such as repeat views, local caches, ad blockers, or users quickly leaving a page can cause differing statistics. For the purposes of billing and earnings, AdJungle data is the only one to be considered.