Bangla Blog monetization solution:

Google adsense and many other international publisher network are not support to advertising or selling ads in a bangla website or blog. So that many bangla popular blog and website can not make their website as a way of earning. is the solution of these websites and blogs. is a Bangladeshi publisher network. Any website owner or blogger can sign up there and monetize there website with

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There payment method is Paypal or Check. You will able to payout your earning when it is reached at $10.

So don,t waste your time. Just click here to monetize your website or blog.



Kevin said...

Hola a tod@s, Estamos preparando un pequef1o artedculo con tiroaacpones de toda la comunidad de OIYP para el prf3ximo nfamero del boletedn Voice de OIYP, sobre la celebracif3n el deda 21 de febrero del Deda Internacional de la Lengua Materna. Si quieres comaprtir algo sobre la importancia de la lengua, sobre que9 significa para ti, por que9 es importante en tu vida, en tu cultura o cualquier otra dimensif3n sobre la lengua y su dine1mica, escredbemos. Estamos buscando textos cortos de no me1s de 150 palabras (intentaremos ser flexibles, pero cf3mo es una pieza pequef1a, mejor tiroaacpones breves en este caso), antes del 1 de marzo. Si quere9is participar, escribidnos a (Mehzabin, M&M de Bangladesh) o a (Daniel, M&M espaf1ol). Incluid vuestro nombre, paeds y correo electrf3nico (y si no quere9is que se publique vuestro nombre o vuestros datos, indicadlo) ased cf3mo si sois AP, facilitadores, Mentores, etc y de que af1o. En solidaridadMehzabin, Zenaida y Daniel

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1.What types of things did the first website ask you to do?The website tells us to read a reversed paragraph in 60 seconds.2.On a scale of 1- 10 how successful were you in completing the tasks? 73.What made completing the task difficult?The letters were reversed, but I made out the words little by little.4.What could the web designer have done to make the site more accessible to you?They made it helpful by informing me of the reversed speech.1.What types of things did the first website ask you to do?It asked me to multi-task.2.On a scale of 1- 10 how successful were you in completing the tasks? 73.What made completing the task difficult?Doing two things at the same time.4.What could the web designer have done to make the site more accessible to you?They could have made it less difficult.

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Ajom Mahmud said...

প্রযুক্তির নতুন খবর ও টিউটোরিয়াল পেতে আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটটি ভিজিট করুন। সবসময় আপডেটেড থাকুন। আমার এই ওয়েবেটে আপনি জনপ্রিয় অনলাইন রেডিও শুনতে পাবেন এবং ফানি ভিডিও দেখতে পারবেন।

JS Photography said...

আপনার চমৎকার পোস্ট এর জন্য ধন্যবাদ .
এ রকম Helpful পোস্ট পেয়ে সত্যি আমরা উপকৃত।
এরকম পোস্ট ও বাংলা পড়াশুনা সম্পর্কে বিভিন্ন তথ্য জানতে ভিজিট করুন আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট :

শুধু তাই নয়!!!

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