Increase the opening speed of your website/Blog

Dear webmaster/Blogger,
Sometimes we see that some webpage is take too long times to open. Sometimes it is unable to open with a slow network connection. As a result, the visitor of the website or blog will be decrease day by day. Ultimately it decrease the traffic of the site or blog and damage the popularity of the website.

Here are some tips for the blogger and webmaster to get rid from this problem….
Normally when a visitor come to your website or blog, at first he open your home page. Your home page is important to increase your visitor and link popularity. Because the pages of the website or blog, the important link of the posts, archives, lebels and other important things, which can attract the visitor to visit your website is contain in the home page. The home page also make a general idea about the information of your site. As a result, the visitor want to find out the information he need from your web pages or blog posts.

Now listen, when a page contain a huge amount of data, it will be take a long time to open. On the other hand, a small amount of data take a little time to open. Though your home page is important for your website or blog, here are some tips to open your home page in a little time.
  • First of all, try to decrease the data store of your home page.
  • When you use any image, try to use in a reasonable image quality.(As small as possible)
  • When you use any third party link, gadget or widgets, try to set this in the bottom of the page.
  • Reduce the number of posts of your home page.
  • Never use any video in your home page. If it is too much necessary, make a link of this video with a visible for the visitor.
  • The blogger try to use only gadget and widgets provides by google.
  • Try to make short the post and link to another page of these posts, in your home page.

If you try this, it will increase your speed of website and the visitor of the websites. Ultimately it play a great role to increase the link popularity of your websites and blogs.
So try it just now and rearrange your blog or website today.


Shaown said...

I have a blog in blogspot. How can I change my template?
Please help me.


just visit the website to know details of your quest