Rules of Enrolment

The purpose of pupilage is to acquire knowledge and experience in client interview, preparation of brief, finding of law and citations, conducting and arguing cases before the court and following or even emulating the senior. A pupil must closely follow this senior who is an eminent advocate of the Bar and help him in all matters concerning preparation and presentation of cases before the court so that he may learn through experience and practice. A pupil should be utmost respectful and obedient to his senior. He must not shirk any responsibility given by his senior and shall ever be ready to assist his senior as desired by and demanded by him. The attendance of the pupil to his senior’s chamber and also to the court house with his senior should be regular. The senior will certify his regular attendance. Any irregularity in attendance will be viewed with disfavour. It is expected as always that the senior (pupil master) will be kind and considerate to his pupil and encourage them to grow into true lawyers following their example.